I'm a hater.
On a better note I finally returned the Cd's I borrowed from the library. I've been walking around the city recently exploring and such. Seattle has so many neighborhoods and things to do that sometimes finding new things to do or see seem endless. This is quite wonderful, yes?
My legs are sore as F! I walk really aggressively on the streets with my head down and music blasting. I'm completely in my own world of thought. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing on these powerwalks of mine. There's a genuine curiosity but I have such a fear of eye-contact that i can't risk this by observing my surroundings.
Anyway after class I planned on meeting Ashley for some frozen yogurt--fro yo, as it is so dearly called at Shy Giants at the market. It's the best fucking place for frozen yogurt. [Side note:: I think you have to understand how much I love frozen yogurt and how frustrating it is to have less than a handful of frozen yogurt joints in Seattle]. But by the time we got there it was closed! So we just walked around
We made our way to the library, which was a first for Ashley. She got a library card and the man at the desk was a hater too. He was talking so much shit about all the problems the library has. He is my new friend I think. I don't know his name but I know where he works and what he looks like, that's enough right? We explored and got hella lost--th
As we were leaving this man comes into the elevator with us , and you can tell this man has good character by his dress. He's wearing a peculiar suit with faint pink stripes. And anyway I'm fussing my camera and we start chatting and he tell us he's from South Carolina and yadda yadda and then out of no where he asks me "do you want to take a picture of me?" I like him more. I'm always scared of taking pictures of people, and being a passive seattlelite i never ask. Look at him, he looks so cool.
I became a member of the Seattle Symphony campus club today. I've been trying to see the symphony forever but it's so expensive and I never got around to go. But the campus club thing lets you see the symphony for 10bucks. I'm so excited.
We then walked to Chinatown. Shit the walk from downtown to Chinatown is sketchy. I honestly felt scared walking through pioneer square, and not the "scared" I feel walking home at night in u-dist, but "fuck I hope nobody jumps me for my camera." [Yeah Tim I know what you're thinking. Suck it ]. And fuck I don't know why I was carrying my camera around in that area anyway.
We ate at this tiny Hong
Although I definitely foresee school being horrible, I have a good feeling about this quarter. I am expecting fun, adventures, lots of learning and new experiences--bike rides, picnics, canoing, frisbee-ing, wine, beer, and coffee drinking, Seattle neighborhood exploration adventures, you name it. Shiiiittttt, it's going to be good.
I've been experimenting with making wee worlds from panoramic shots. I'll post them later along with a few other projects. I'm trying to do everything and anything to avoid homework! enjoy!
On a final note:
I like flannel. If there were more opportunities for little Chinese girls to be excellent lumberjacks I think I would be happier. But I can settle for marrying a lumberjack instead. I can live vicariously through him.
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racist pig
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